How to reduce fever at home








Treatment and home remedies for fever: Treatment of fever is always based on its symptoms. Sometimes fever occurs due to sudden change in weather and sometimes due to infection. Fever can be of any kind, typhoid, malaria, viral fever and meningitis. If the symptoms of fever are identified on time, it can be prevented from increasing.


This is a disease that occurs especially during the change of weather. Whenever the weather changes, due to fluctuations in temperature, the immune system of our body becomes weak and the body quickly gets infected with the virus.


Generally viral fever occurs when the immune system becomes weak due to change in weather. But apart from this, there are other reasons due to which fever occurs. Consumption of contaminated water and food, due to pollution, entry of micro particles present in polluted air inside the body, lack of immunity, living with a patient suffering from viral fever.


Many people also have the problem of getting fever again and again, while there are some people who always feel like fever. Let us tell you that doctors also believe that eating roasted salt helps in reducing fever immediately. Roasted salt is a surefire medicine and it is very easy to prepare. You can use it with tea or water.


Whenever any elder or child in the house has fever, we first try to bring down the fever with medicine. These medicines relieve fever but they have a bad effect on our liver. Today in this article we will know the treatment of fever, home remedies and ways to cure fever.




Depending on the cause of the fever, other signs and symptoms of fever may include:
to sweat.


1. Feeling cold and shivering.

2. Headache.

3. Muscle pain.

4. loss of appetite.

5. Irritability.

6. Dehydration.

7. general weakness.etc  





If the fever is high, place cold water compresses on the patient's head. Keep cold compresses on the head until the body temperature comes down. If the bandage becomes hot, soak it again in cold water and place it on the head.


Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Boil the water and let it cool and whenever the patient needs to drink water, give it to him.


If there is fever due to cold and cough, then make a decoction by mixing basil, liquorice, sugar candy and honey in water and give it to the patient. With this remedy fever starts reducing and cold goes away.


If you have fever due to heat stroke, then put raw mango in water and drink its juice.


If you have fever due to sudden change in weather, then drink basil tea, it will provide relief.


In the treatment of fever, the patient should take maximum rest and during this time his appetite decreases but the patient should also take care of his food and drink. In such a situation, it is also good to drink coconut water and seasonal juice.


Chop 5 to 7 cloves of garlic and fry them in ghee or sesame oil. Now add some rock salt to it and feed it to the patient. Any type of fever will be cured by this remedy.


Drinking decoction of mint and ginger also cures fever. Rest after drinking the decoction.


Heat some garlic cloves in mustard oil. When this oil cools down, massage the soles of his feet.


Mixing 1 teaspoon vinegar in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water, soaking potato pieces in it and placing it on the head provides relief from hunger.


According to Ayurveda, it is believed that sandalwood can easily cool your body. You will easily get it in the form of soap and powder.


If you want, you can add a little almond oil to pomegranate juice and drink it daily. It is beneficial for people of all ages. Consuming it easily reduces body temperature.


Put fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight and filter this water in the morning. Consume this water in small quantities every two hours.


Add two teaspoons of raisins in a cup of water and let them swell. After half an hour, grind it in water, filter it and add juice of half a lemon to it and drink it.


Take one finger thick or 4-6 long Giloy and make 400 ml. Boil in water. 100ml Boil this till it remains and drink it. It strengthens the immune system and prevents frequent colds and fevers.




Fever caused by infection with a virus is called viral fever.


Cold drinks, cold water kept in the fridge and feeling cold increase the chances of getting viral fever.


In viral fever the temperature is 100 to 103 degrees or even higher.


This fever spreads rapidly from one person to another. It spreads from one person to another through breath.


If children get viral fever, they suffer a lot of problems like headache, chills, cough, diarrhea.


This fever looks like a normal fever, so whenever you have fever, definitely get it tested by a doctor.


One should take care of cleanliness around the person suffering from viral fever and others should not use the things used by the patient.


The patient should keep a handkerchief with him and whenever he has a cough or cold, keep the handkerchief on his mouth so that the virus does not spread to others.


If the fever does not subside even after taking measures and it has been more than 2 days, then immediately consult a doctor and get checked.






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